thumbnailfield.fields のソースコード

# coding=utf-8
Model fields of ThumbnailField
__author__ = 'Alisue <>'
from django.db.models.fields.files import ImageField
from django.db.models.fields.files import ImageFieldFile
from django.db.models.fields.files import ImageFileDescriptor
from django.utils.text import ugettext_lazy as _

from thumbnailfield.conf import settings
from thumbnailfield.utils import save_to_storage
from thumbnailfield.utils import get_content_file
from thumbnailfield.utils import get_thumbnail_filename
from thumbnailfield.utils import get_fileformat_from_filename
from thumbnailfield.utils import get_processed_image
from thumbnailfield.compatibility import Image

class ThumbnailFileDescriptor(ImageFileDescriptor):

    Enhanced ImageFileDescriptor

    Just like the ImageFileDescriptor, but for ThumbnailField. The only
    difference is removing previous Image and Thumbnails from storage when the
    value has changed.

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
            previous_file = instance.__dict__.get(self.field.attname, None)
            if previous_file and isinstance(previous_file, ThumbnailFieldFile):
                previous_files = [previous_file.path]
                # Add thumbnail files
                iterator = previous_file.iter_thumbnail_filenames()
                for thumbnail_filename in iterator:
            super(ThumbnailFileDescriptor, self).__set__(instance, value)
            # remove previous files if the vaue has changed
            if previous_file and isinstance(previous_file, ThumbnailFieldFile):
                current_file = getattr(instance, self.field.attname)
                if previous_file != current_file:
                    for f in previous_files:
            super(ThumbnailFileDescriptor, self).__set__(instance, value)

class ThumbnailFieldFile(ImageFieldFile):

    """Enhanced ImageFieldFile

    This FieldFile contains thumbnail ImageFieldFile instances
    and these thumbnails are automatically generate when accessed

        _get_thumbnail_filename -- get thumbnail filename
        _get_image -- get PIL image instance
        _get_thumbnail -- get PIL image instance of thumbnail
        _get_thumbnail_file -- get ImageFieldFile instance of thumbnail
        _create_thumbnail -- create PIL image instance of thumbnail
        _create_thumbnail_file -- create ImageFieldFile instance of thumbnail
        _update_thumbnail_file -- update thumbnail file and return
                                  ImageFieldFile instance
        _remove_thumbnail_file -- remove thumbanil file from storage
        iter_pattern_name -- return iterator of pattern name
        get_pattern_name -- return list of pattern name
        iter_thumbnail_filenames -- return iterator of thumbnail filename
        get_thumbnail_filenames -- return list of thumbnail filename
        iter_thumbnail_files -- return iterator of thumbnail file
        get_thumbnail_files -- return list of thumbnail file
        update_thumbnail_files -- update thumbnail files in storage
        remove_thumbnail_files -- remove thumbnail files from storage


    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(ThumbnailFieldFile, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.patterns = self.field.patterns
        self.pil_save_options = self.field.pil_save_options

        # create access properties
        for name in self.patterns.keys():
            if name is None:
                # None is for original file thus continue
            fget = lambda self, name = name: self._get_thumbnail_file(name)
            setattr(ThumbnailFieldFile, name, property(fget=fget))
            fget = lambda self, name = name: self._get_thumbnail_file(
            setattr(ThumbnailFieldFile, '%s_file' % name, property(fget=fget))
            fget = lambda self, name = name: self._get_thumbnail_file(
            setattr(ThumbnailFieldFile, '%s_path' % name, property(fget=fget))
            fget = lambda self, name = name: self._get_thumbnail_file(name).url
            setattr(ThumbnailFieldFile, '%s_url' % name, property(fget=fget))
            fget = lambda self, name = name: self._get_thumbnail_file(
            setattr(ThumbnailFieldFile, '%s_size' % name, property(fget=fget))

    def _get_thumbnail_filename(self, name):
        """get thumbnail filename with name

        thumbnail filename is generated with utils.get_thumbnail_filename
        method. original path is path of this field file
        return get_thumbnail_filename(, name)

    def _get_image(self):
        """get PIL image of this field file

        PIL Image instance is cached in '_image_cache' attribute of this
        attr_name = '_image_cache'
        if not getattr(self, attr_name, None):
            setattr(self, attr_name,
        return getattr(self, attr_name)

    def _get_thumbnail(self, name, force=False):
        """get PIL thumbnail of this field file

        PIL Image instance of thumbnail is cached in '_image_<name>_cache'
        attribute of this instance. The instance is created by
        '_create_thumbnail' method with
        given named patterns

            name -- A name of thumbnail patterns
        attr_name = '_image_%s_cache' % name
        if force or not getattr(self, attr_name, None):
            patterns = self.patterns[name]
            setattr(self, attr_name, self._create_thumbnail(patterns))
        return getattr(self, attr_name)

    def _create_thumbnail(self, patterns):
        """create PIL thumbnail of this field file

            patterns -- A process patterns to generate thumbnail
        img = self._get_image()
        if img:
            thumb = get_processed_image(self, img, patterns)
            return thumb
        return None

    def _get_thumbnail_file(self, name, force=False):
        """get ImageFieldFile of thumbnail

        ImageFieldFile instance is cached in '_thumbnail_file_<name>_cache'
        attribute of this instance. The instance is created by
        '_create_thumbnail_file' method with given named patterns

            name -- A name of thumbnail patterns
        attr_name = '_thumbnail_file_%s_cache' % name
        if force or not getattr(self, attr_name, None):
            thumbs_file = self._get_or_create_thumbnail_file(
                name, force, self.pil_save_options)
            if not thumbs_file:
                return None
            setattr(self, attr_name, thumbs_file)
        return getattr(self, attr_name)

    def _get_or_create_thumbnail_file(self, name, force=False,
        """get or create thumbnail file and return ImageFieldFile

            name -- A name of thumbnail patterns
        thumbs_filename = self._get_thumbnail_filename(name)
        if force or not
            thumbs = self._get_thumbnail(name, force)
            if not thumbs:
                return None
            thumbs_filename = self._get_thumbnail_filename(name)
                            thumbs_filename, **(pil_save_options or {}))
        thumbs_file = ImageFieldFile(self.instance,
        return thumbs_file

    def _update_thumbnail_file(self, name):
        """update thumbnail file of storage

            name -- A name of thumbnail patterns
        return self._get_thumbnail_file(name, force=True)

    def _remove_thumbnail_file(self, name, save=True):
        """remove thumbnail file from storage

            name -- A name of thumbnail patterns
            save -- If true, the model instance of this field will be saved
        attr_name = '_thumbnail_file_%s_cache' % name
        thumbs_file = getattr(self, attr_name, None)
        if thumbs_file:
            delattr(self, attr_name)

    def iter_pattern_names(self):
        """return iterator of thumbnail pattern names"""
        return iter(self.patterns.keys())

    def get_pattern_names(self):
        """return list of thumbnail pattern names"""
        pattern_names = [n for n in self.iter_pattern_names()]
        return pattern_names

    def iter_thumbnail_filenames(self):
        """return iterator of thumbnail filenames"""
        for name in self.iter_pattern_names():
            yield self._get_thumbnail_filename(name)

    def get_thumbnail_filenames(self):
        """return list of thumbnail filenames"""
        thumbnail_filenames = [f for f in self.iter_thumbnail_filenames()]
        return thumbnail_filenames

    def iter_thumbnail_files(self):
        """return iterator of thumbnail files"""
        for name in self.iter_pattern_names():
            yield self._get_thumbnail_file(name)

    def get_thumbnail_files(self):
        """return list of thumbnail files"""
        thumbnail_files = [f for f in self.iter_thumbnail_files()]
        return thumbnail_files

    def update_thumbnail_files(self):
        """update thumbanil files of storage"""
        for name in self.iter_pattern_names():

    def remove_thumbnail_files(self, save=True):
        """remove thumbnail files from storage

            save -- If true, the model instance of this field will be saved.
        for name in self.iter_pattern_names():
            self._remove_thumbnail_file(name, save=False)
        if save:

    def save(self, name, content, save=True):
        if self and not self._committed and None in self.patterns:
            # Apply original image process
            processed = self._get_thumbnail(None)
            file_fmt = get_fileformat_from_filename(name)
            content = get_content_file(processed, file_fmt)
        super(ThumbnailFieldFile, self).save(name, content, save=save)

    def delete(self, save=True):
        super(ThumbnailFieldFile, self).delete(save=save)

class ThumbnailField(ImageField):
    """Enhanced ImageField

    ThumbnailField has the follwoing features

    -   Automatically remove previous file
    -   Automatically generate thumbnail files
    -   Automatically remove generated previous thumbnail files
    attr_class = ThumbnailFieldFile
    descriptor_class = ThumbnailFileDescriptor
    description = _("Thumbnail")

    def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, name=None, width_field=None,
                 height_field=None, patterns=None,
                 pil_save_options=None, **kwargs):

            patterns attribute is used to generate thumbnail files (or apply
            processes to original file). The format of this attribute is::

                patterns = {
                    <Name>: (
                        (<square_size>),        # with default process_method
                                                # with square size
                        (<width>, <height>),    # with default process_method
                                                # with width/height
                        (<width>, <height>, <method_name>),
                        (<width>, <height>, <method_name>, <method_options>),
                    <Name>: (
                        (<width>, <height>, <method_name>, <method_options>),
                        (<width>, <height>, <method_name>, <method_options>),
                        (<width>, <height>, <method_name>, <method_options>),

            ``Name`` is a name of thumbnail. ``None`` or '' for original image.

            ``width`` and ``height`` is used in process method. Some process
            have to be set this value ``None``

            ``method_name`` is a name of method or process_method. You can use
            a string name registered in

            ``method_options`` is a dictionary instance used in particular
            method.  for example, ``crop`` method required ``left`` and
            ``upper`` options to process.

            a dictionary which will be passed as a keyword argument list to
            PIL image save method.
        patterns = patterns or {}
        if '' in patterns:
            patterns[None] = patterns['']
            del patterns['']
        patterns[None] = patterns.get(None, None)
        self.patterns = patterns
        self.pil_save_options = pil_save_options or settings.THUMBNAILFIELD_DEFAULT_PIL_SAVE_OPTIONS
        super(ThumbnailField, self).__init__(
            verbose_name, name, width_field, height_field, **kwargs)

    from south.modelsinspector import add_introspection_rules
    rules = [
                'patterns': ['patterns', {}],
    add_introspection_rules(rules, [r"^thumbnailfield.fields.ThumbnailField"])
except ImportError: