kawaz.core.publishments.perms のソースコード

from permission.logics import PermissionLogic
from permission.utils.field_lookup import field_lookup

[ドキュメント]class PublishmentPermissionLogic(PermissionLogic): """ Permission logic of AbstractPublishmentModel subclass. This permission logic handle the 'view' permission based on the publishment status """ def __init__(self, author_field_name='author', pub_state_field_name='pub_state'): """ PermissionLogic to allow to see by its 'pub_state'. Parameters ---------- author_field_name : str The field name of author in the model. The default value is 'author'. pub_state_field_name : str The field name of publishment status in the model. The default value is 'pub_state' """ self.author_field_name = author_field_name self.pub_state_field_name = pub_state_field_name
[ドキュメント] def has_perm(self, user_obj, perm, obj=None): """ Check if user have `view` permission (of object) based on the ``pub_state`` and ``author`` of the instance. If no object is specified, it always return ``True``. If an object is specified, it will return ``True`` when the ``pub_state`` of the instance is: - 'public' | Anyone can see this obj - 'protected' | Seele, Nerv, Children can see this obj - 'draft' | Nobody but the obj author can see this obj Parameters ---------- user_obj : django user model instance A django user model instance which be checked perm : string `app_label.codename` formatted permission string obj : None or django model instance None or django model instance for object permission Returns ------- boolean Wheter the specified user have specified permission (of specified object). """ # construct the permission name permission_name = self.get_full_permission_string('view') # everybody have a potential to see the model if obj is None: return perm == permission_name if perm == permission_name: author = field_lookup(obj, self.author_field_name) pub_state = field_lookup(obj, self.pub_state_field_name) if pub_state == 'public': # if pub_state is public, everyone see this object return True elif pub_state == 'protected': # if pub_state is protected, users who logged in and role isn't # wille see this object return user_obj.is_authenticated() and user_obj.is_member elif pub_state == 'draft': # if pub_state is draft, Only author can see this object. return author == user_obj return False